Godsounds: Your Audiobook Partner – Every Step of the Way.

Curated voices, exceptional stories: Where the world's best publishers meet passionate listeners


We scan the book market of multiple genres to find titles we believe will be a blessing to listeners. Profits are important, but even more than profits, is bringing books to life that impact the lives of the people of this earth. GodSounds has brought over 200+ books to life through audio that has reached hundreds of thousands of listeners all over the earth. Publishers can be very busy with their current and best-selling titles, this is where GodSounds comes in to help with overlooked and back-listed works. 


Our founder William Crockett began as purely a narrator/producer. To date, he has narrated 120+ titles and is an ACX approved producer for Audible. With this knowledge and expertise, he has been able to work with narrators of all sorts of styles and backgrounds, making sure the production shines for each work. We have worked with 30+ narrators to date, that perform works for all types of genres including business, science, history, fiction, and non-fiction. We ensure that each production fits and exceeds the requirements of Audible, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and more. Collectively, these titles have received thousands of 5-Star reviews from happy customers all over the world.


Our titles have access to all the major audiobook platforms worldwide. We have mastered the art of audiobook distribution, with hundreds of thousands of units sold, generating millions of dollars in sales revenue. As experts in the industry, we are able to get these works to market fast and effectively, working alongside the various platforms directly. GodSounds has gained a reputation throughout the audiobook market and our publishers can reap the benefits of this place our company holds in the eyes of avid audiobook listeners.


Once the units are being sold throughout the world, we meticulously track each unit purchased by customers, recording revenue. We offer high percentage agreements to our publishers, ensuring they are happy and satisfied with the royalty share they receive from each unit sold. GodSounds has developed a proven system of accountability of tracking each dollar and is open to any audit by our publisher partners. Millions of dollars in sales revenue has been collected by our titles and we are excited to share these profits with you.

Interested in working with us? Let’s plan a call and get your work to the audiobook market - worldwide.

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